Thank you for visiting my new website! Special thanks to Tania Hershman for her help to set it up – not least for just giving me a “round to-it”.
It has been an exciting day with an email from Rialto magazine saying that they want to publish one of my poems in issue 86. I have two other poems which will be published imminently, see my Forthcoming page.
This time in a fortnight I will be winding down after Look Who’s Coming To Town! See my Events page for details. I met Matthew Siegel at the Forward Prizes last year – he was nominated for the Best First Collection prize and had come from USA for the ceremony. He was disappointed that he hadn’t been able to do any other readings while he was over, so I said next time he came I would fix one up. I have! Two other nominees for that prize, the winner Mona Arshi, and Karen McCarthy Woolf together with Yomi Sode are on the bill and I will be compering. Can’t wait – you should come!